
SEPTEMBER 14, 2016

Today, The VitalStream Group completed its first webinar for EMS Educators and launched the PPCP Simulation Curriculum Package. Reviewing the most recent research in psychomotor learning and skills acquisition, the webinar is a must-see for anyone who is a leader in EMS education! Follow the link here to watch a recording:


I’m pleased to announce a partnership between The VitalStream Group and Virtual Education Systems! VES is a leader in virtual reality and microsimulation and offers students an opportunity to practice decision-making, illness script differentiation, and clinical reasoning independent of group activities in the classroom. The VitalStream Group will be launching a Virtual PPCP Package in 2017, allowing students to better prepare for classroom activities and team simulations by doing independent mobile simulations independently first. This will make instructor-led team simulations – and therefore the paramedic program, more efficient with students’ time, and students themselves will be more confident in their assessment and critical thinking skills when coming in to be a team leader for simulation scenarios.

he partnership between VES and The VitalStream Group will be an asset in advancing the quality of EMS education across the country. Visit VES here:

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